No Longer Accepting Champ VA
Telehealth is Not Available
New Provider, Mary Crichton, DNP is now here!
How To Telehealth
Telehealth/On Call on the weekends is currently unavailable!
Telehealth is NOT available During Business hours at this time due to limited Providers.
Please call the Office number to set up an IN OFFICE Visit or WALK IN if you are LOCAL.
No Telehealth is available after 5pm everyday.
If you have a blood pressure machine, glucometer, thermometer, pulse oximeter for oxygen levels, height and current weight... Please have this information ready, which will help the provider take better care of you.
Please have your medications or a list of your medications available to give to the provider on the call to better serve your needs. This keeps you safe!
Please have your insurance card and payment information ready at the beginning of your visit.
Please inform the provider who your Primary Care Provider is so we can send them your visit information to keep them up to date on your health.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office for more information.